Monday, September 27, 2010


‎"When I put him on the ground, you take his wallet". "daddy, time to hit the floor, cause I'm taking you down"......

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day of School

So you want daddy to take you to school in just his underwear for your first day?

Luke... "yes I do"

Friday, July 16, 2010


"Are you Superman?" asks Rosco. "Yes I am" with a shake of the head from Lukas.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Don't take this kid's bike!

As I was driving Lukas and Porter to school this morning, I was listening to Lukas tell Porter about his new bike. His old bike, we are assuming, was stolen out of our garage during the winter months.

Lukas: Yeah, if they take my bike again, I will kick them right here. (I'm assuming he points between his legs, LOL)

Porter: Yeah, right in the penis.

Those boys crack me up!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Listen here

We've got a few here for catching up...

Out to dinner tonight, the 4 of us, Lukas starts to ask me a question and Tony butts in to tell me about something that is on the news. Lukas was mad about this interruption and quickly turned to Tony and says, "Daddy, Was I talking?!?!"

While making cookies this past weekend, Lukas was coming into the kitchen to help and he was dragging his hand along my back and then across to the front of my waist, and he then says, "Momma, why is your belly big?"
Im sure he was just making sure there wasn't another baby in there. But come on kid, don't you know you aren't suppose to point those kinds of things out?!??! LOL!

Tony was having a conversation with Lukas about his hair and Tony says, "One day I'm gonna lose all my hair." Lukas then replies, "Like Uncle?" (Tony's brother Daniel)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Really? It's worth all that

Playing the wii more frequently now, Luke likes to show more emotion. A stomp of the foot and a look of disgust, "I'm mad at you daddy. If you keep doing that I am not going to play with you anymore. I'm mad." What can I say, he's competitive like his old man.

Friday, November 13, 2009


"I want poop for breakfast."
Turning 4yrs old has brought new insight on the word poop. Lukas uses the word "poop" like I use the word "the."