Tuesday, July 29, 2008

You didn't lose me...

Upon entering church Luke was ready to go to Sunday school class. I signed him in and walked down the hallway towards his classroom. As we got closer Luke held on a little tighter to me and said, " I don't want to go." Against my initial thought I dropped him off with a pep talk, and with huge tears in his eyes I walked away.

About 45 minutes later my grandma's friend approached me and said Luke has been crying for a while now. I quickly gathered my things and went to him. I found him with Great Grandma. He saw me and reached for me shyly. I asked him why he was upset and he simply said, "I thought I lost you." It was at that moment that I knew I'd probably have to find away to LIVE FOREVER so he will never lose me...

Friday, July 25, 2008

A train on a beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In deep sleep Luke looked soooo peaceful. The wife and I were chatting in the kitchen when I hear the boy screaming hysterically. I enter the room to see him sitting on the bed with big tears rolling down. I ask him what is wrong and he simply continues to cry. He finally mumbles "I want to play with the train on the beach." Not sure if I heard this correctly we go to momma. he repeats "I want to play with the train on the beach." She looks at me and I look to her in confusion only to connect that the boy was dreaming. Only he was really upset about losing this image and really wanted it to come back. I actually thought about taking the boy back to the beach, but my class would interrupt that. I told him we'd go back sometime, which he interpreted as "Momma, daddy is taking me to the beach to play with the train." Great, now what!!!!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Don't be Rude

Lukas spends many moments on the phone talking to momma who would be at work. Lukas usually asks how she is doing and what he did during the day... Last night Lukas was talking to momma when my mother tried to talk to him at the same tame. Lukas turned to her and raised his hand to his mouth, "Shhh, I'm trying to talk to momma." We both looked at each other and snickered. I wasn't even sure what it was that came out at first. Jeez, we'll try to be more respectful to you.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

ah gagagaga whoo ya whoo ya, yik yik yik, whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnn. aaahhdy aaahhdy aaahhdy

French fries are fan favorites when it comes Luke. I enjoy an occasional splurge of fries myself my family will tell you. There is nothing better than hot crispy fries. Returning home from Grandma Howard's house I told Luke if he found a McDonald's I would purchase some fries for us.

The sweet smell of the fries caused a liquid to be extracted from my mouth. I quickly popped a fry in the hatch to test for Luke the temperature. As the fry stuck to the roof of my mouth the buring became a little more intense. I made a couple sound effects to hide the scorching activity that was taking place. That's when I hear this laughter. I turn to see Luke just cracking up with his face all red. After a bit I gave him a fry and he starts going, " ah gagagaga whoo ya whoo ya, yik yik yik, whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnn. aaahhdy aaahhdy aaahhdy." I started laughing pretty hard too. He tells me, "Do another one daddy." So I did. And I keep doing it and he keeps doing it every time we share fries...
ah gagagaga whoo ya whoo ya, yik yik yik, whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnn. aaahhdy aaahhdy aaahhdy

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Oh I'm Sorry

As I was driving Lukas and I back home after being called into the hospital for a few hours, we passed by the golf course. There is a road you can turn to drive right next to the golf course that is 25 mph, but we normally take the next road that stays on the main road and is 35mph. Eventually both roads meet up, but sometimes I'll take him down the slower, more scenice route so he can see the golfers. Every time we passes the courses he always lets us know "There's golfing!" After I passes by the scenic road he then tells me, "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't turn there." It was in a cute little tone that sounded oh so familiar. Probably because I've told him that MANY times when I often forget that he likes to turn there. Never would have thought he remembered my exact words! I had to hold back the tears of laughter so I could still see the road to drive the rest of the way home!