Friday, December 5, 2008

It was an accident.

Lukas is still working on the nighttime/naptime potty accidents. The other day at the end of his nap, he woke up whining because he had peed the bed. We brought him into the bathroom to get clean up. We try to comfort him and let him know it was an accident and accidents happen.

I said to him "Uh-Oh Lukas, What happened? Did you have an accident?"

And his reply was "Yeah. My body couldn't hold it."

Not sure where he thought of that, but it was pretty darn cute how it was "My body" rather than "I".

Sunday, November 30, 2008

A white one Santa!!

"I will wait for momma." The frequent response Luke gives when asked to speak with Santa. Onward towards Target to shop... As we entered Target Luke simple says, "I want to talk to Santa now daddy." Really? "I want to tell him to bring me the Polar Express Train." I quickly paid for the gift and walked at a brisk pace to Santa. I rounded the corner with Luke and seen Santa was still there. We waited for our turn. Next!!
Ok Luke, it's our turn. Let's go. Luke went up to Santa but wouldn't speak. Just a simple turning of the head at first. Santa told him a story about his reindeer breaking the door in the barn, so he needed to get a new key. Luke got to hold the key. Santa finished his story and proceeded to ask Luke questions. I helped with the first reponse. Then Luke mentioned a Transformer. Santa was trying to guess the color when Luke whispered "white". Louder Luke. "white one". "WHITE ONE!!!!" This blew the doors open. Luke began, " I want a white transformer, and the Polar Express!!!" "Anything else?" Santa asked. "I want Wall-E too!!"
"Ok, I will get started and make them for you. Have you been a good boy?" Luke just nods and then, "Please Santa."
Luke sat on Santa's lap and took this epic photo. He did it!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Reach for the Stars

"Daddy I need your help. Will you help me daddy?"

I will always help you.


"Daddy, hey. I want to ask you a question. You want to play with me?"


Lying on the floor Luke walks over to me with a smile. After a leg drop he stands over me and starts going, "pssssssssssssssssss." Followed by, "Ha, ha daddy, I peed on you." He turns around a goes, "boop, boop. Hey daddy I pooped on you too. Touch it, touch the poop."


Monday, September 22, 2008

That smell like-a poo...

Feeding my face I watched my son interact with my mother. Luke had a couple soap bars that had an aroma to each of them. One by one he would put a bar close to my mother's nose and let her smell... She would give a weird face to each and say, ""yuk, or p.u..." Luke then asks her after smiling so, "Does it smell like poop?" ...
Okay Luke now connects bad smells with poop. We're really learning the importants in life now.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A little Dave Matthews for you...

"Daddy, you want me to sing a song for you? A Dave Matthews song? Here I go..." He strums the guitar and bellows... " What would you say? Don't bite the mail man... What would you say?" strum strum strum.... That's all I need to say as I was and still am speechless.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Good ol toot from the boot....y

Uncle Dan sure has made an impact on my son as now Luke will share some things that he remembers from his time around uncle. I was lying on the floor acting like I was hurt to see what Luke would do as I lay acting... I looked at him through squinting eyes to watch his reaction. he looks me over and walks over to me. He stops, turns around and plants his booty on my face. Wait for it... After about five seconds he makes a bmmmpppppppp from his lips to my face. Gets up, leans over and says, I toot on your face. From the bedroom in the morning, to grandma's house, to San Antonio; Luke loves tooting in anyone's face.

A little bite to go

Hiding under the table hunched in the corner was Luke as another game of "find me daddy" was near its end. As I trapped him into the corner I asked him if I could take a little bite from his leg... then his ear... a small piece from his face... then back to his leg. Luke, in between laughing says, no no daddy, that's enough." As I start to retreat he says " Daddy, you can have a bite of my butt." Needless to say I didn't have any butt that day as it was not fresh from the tooting he did on my face earlier...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I put the ball in the hole

August 13, 2008- The day that will forever be marked in my son's (or my own hahaha) life... Luke's first REAL golf course experience. "We're going golfing daddy!" After a couple trips to the driving range, Luke sped up our bonding process by joining myself and my friend Jeff on the golf course. Luke started the outing with these words, "I want to put the ball in the hole." That's the idea son, that's the whole idea.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"I don't want to..."

As the summer comes to the end I am left gathering what I need to head back to school. This week has been filled with class from 8-3 everyday. LeeAnn had to work the last 5 days with 3 to go, which means Luke has been pawned off to relatives. I don't like having to just drop him off... I wish I could take him everywhere I go... But I had to go to class and he had to spend another day with Great Grandma. I told him I had to"go to work". He got really upset and tears were running everywhere. I was running even later now and just had to go telling im I'd be back. All I could hear was, "I don't want daddy to go to work"... over and over again.
I called during my break and asked how he was and she said he calmed down after a bit but just kept saying, "I don't want daddy to go to work."
It tore me up, but we made it through another day without each other.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Puzzle Time

Nana: "Lukas, would you like to do puzzles with me?"

Lukas: "Yea, I wanna do puzzles with you."

Nana: "Okay." (walks over to check something on her laptop on the way)

Lukas continues past Nana and walks towards the 'puzzle room'.
Turns back towards Nana and says...

Lukas: "Are you coming, or what?"

Sunday, August 3, 2008

My Butt

Wrestling with Luke on the floor he gets up after another Superman flight into my kidney when I decide to give his bottom a friendly whack. He says, "Hey that's enough daddy." He did his flying kick while I gave him a couple more whacks when he finally says to me, "Hey daddy, I have to poop out of that. Enough." That didn't stop him from flying toward me again...

Just a lil bite

As I lay on the box-spring at Nana's house in San Antonio, Luke practices his Superman kick into my kidney. Just then he looks to into my eyes and says, "Let me taste your face," followed by a slurping noise as his mouth kept getting bigger and bigger.... Yikes.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

You didn't lose me...

Upon entering church Luke was ready to go to Sunday school class. I signed him in and walked down the hallway towards his classroom. As we got closer Luke held on a little tighter to me and said, " I don't want to go." Against my initial thought I dropped him off with a pep talk, and with huge tears in his eyes I walked away.

About 45 minutes later my grandma's friend approached me and said Luke has been crying for a while now. I quickly gathered my things and went to him. I found him with Great Grandma. He saw me and reached for me shyly. I asked him why he was upset and he simply said, "I thought I lost you." It was at that moment that I knew I'd probably have to find away to LIVE FOREVER so he will never lose me...

Friday, July 25, 2008

A train on a beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In deep sleep Luke looked soooo peaceful. The wife and I were chatting in the kitchen when I hear the boy screaming hysterically. I enter the room to see him sitting on the bed with big tears rolling down. I ask him what is wrong and he simply continues to cry. He finally mumbles "I want to play with the train on the beach." Not sure if I heard this correctly we go to momma. he repeats "I want to play with the train on the beach." She looks at me and I look to her in confusion only to connect that the boy was dreaming. Only he was really upset about losing this image and really wanted it to come back. I actually thought about taking the boy back to the beach, but my class would interrupt that. I told him we'd go back sometime, which he interpreted as "Momma, daddy is taking me to the beach to play with the train." Great, now what!!!!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Don't be Rude

Lukas spends many moments on the phone talking to momma who would be at work. Lukas usually asks how she is doing and what he did during the day... Last night Lukas was talking to momma when my mother tried to talk to him at the same tame. Lukas turned to her and raised his hand to his mouth, "Shhh, I'm trying to talk to momma." We both looked at each other and snickered. I wasn't even sure what it was that came out at first. Jeez, we'll try to be more respectful to you.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

ah gagagaga whoo ya whoo ya, yik yik yik, whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnn. aaahhdy aaahhdy aaahhdy

French fries are fan favorites when it comes Luke. I enjoy an occasional splurge of fries myself my family will tell you. There is nothing better than hot crispy fries. Returning home from Grandma Howard's house I told Luke if he found a McDonald's I would purchase some fries for us.

The sweet smell of the fries caused a liquid to be extracted from my mouth. I quickly popped a fry in the hatch to test for Luke the temperature. As the fry stuck to the roof of my mouth the buring became a little more intense. I made a couple sound effects to hide the scorching activity that was taking place. That's when I hear this laughter. I turn to see Luke just cracking up with his face all red. After a bit I gave him a fry and he starts going, " ah gagagaga whoo ya whoo ya, yik yik yik, whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnn. aaahhdy aaahhdy aaahhdy." I started laughing pretty hard too. He tells me, "Do another one daddy." So I did. And I keep doing it and he keeps doing it every time we share fries...
ah gagagaga whoo ya whoo ya, yik yik yik, whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnn. aaahhdy aaahhdy aaahhdy

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Oh I'm Sorry

As I was driving Lukas and I back home after being called into the hospital for a few hours, we passed by the golf course. There is a road you can turn to drive right next to the golf course that is 25 mph, but we normally take the next road that stays on the main road and is 35mph. Eventually both roads meet up, but sometimes I'll take him down the slower, more scenice route so he can see the golfers. Every time we passes the courses he always lets us know "There's golfing!" After I passes by the scenic road he then tells me, "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't turn there." It was in a cute little tone that sounded oh so familiar. Probably because I've told him that MANY times when I often forget that he likes to turn there. Never would have thought he remembered my exact words! I had to hold back the tears of laughter so I could still see the road to drive the rest of the way home!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

I gotta go potty

Day 16 of potty training:
I'm in my bedroom and hear Lukas yell out "I gotta go potty".
My first thought was, "Oh great, he's peed his pants."
So I go into the living room and kitchen and couldn't find him. I yell out to him to see where he's at and he says he's in the bathroom.
I walk in there and he's standing there on his step stool, shorts and underwear at his ankles, and holding his pee-pee, ready to go pee in the potty! He was waiting for someone to come in there and help him aim. LOL! so I go over, help him out and he pees.
I tried so hard to not crack up laughing at how cute it was to run into him like that, standing and ready to go. Such a little boy growing up!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thanks for the flick tip

As I go through each of these potty days with Luke I try and lend him a couple tips before during and after peeing. I told him to just give his, well you know, a couple flicks as we men do when we're done. I'm not here to explain it or further debate the idea behind the flick, we just do it. So this morning I went in to bathroom to relieve myself after Luke finished up when I hear from the living room "Flick it daddy!!!!!" REALLY loud. Isn't it funny what words they hold onto?

That's MY boy...

Potty training is going slowly, but the adventures of cleaning up human wastes makes is kinda.. well gross. Anyway as Luke grabs a book to head for the potty during his time he'll hang out on the throne for a good 10 minutes. During that time he can only read the book so many times before he has to move on to other time consuming activities. His most recent is to scope out his package down low. He'll grab his testicles and ask momma, "You see my big penis?" Now I never taught him this. I'm proud of it I guess, but I didn't or wouldn't teach him to say this. The boy is a natural I guess. To actually understand BIG. Wait a minute... I pee with him, or next to him all the time. Is he comparing the family assets? Crap. Ha ha... dough.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Let's go drive The General!!!!!!!!!!

As every other weekend is dedicated to my 69 Charger project, Luke knows that he is just as involved too. When I tell him we are going to Grandma Howard's he will scream, "Let's go drive The General Lee!!!!! VRRRROOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" We have to drive the car TOGETHER. I will make the car shake while he does the engine and drives. That's funny, Luke hardly ever got to drive The General Lee in the show. Now he drives it all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaw!!!!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Mommy, Thats You!

While standing in a checkout line at Meijers tuesday night, we were looking at the different headlines on the magazines. Lukas seeing us pointing magazines out, decides to add in his own opinions. He points to one of the magazines and says "Mommy, Thats You!" I got closer to the magazines to see which covergirl he was referring to and it was Angelina Jolie in a sundress with big black sunglasses on. I asked him, "That's Me?" He replies, "Yeah, thats you."

Thanks for the compliment buddy!

Monday, May 5, 2008

The General Lee

Luke is fascinated on The Dukes of Hazzard... (no he isn't named after Luke Duke, but the next one might be called Bo just because) "Let's watch The General Lee daddy!" That boy will go grab his General, sit and watch the whole thing. Then when it is over.... "I want to watch it again!" The second time around he will actually play along with the film. We have a police car that he chases The General with. He won't let me make the car noises anymore. "I do it." The only thing I get to do now is take him in my car and let him drive. He will make the noise, shift gears, and hit the horn! (My car isn't functional....YET) For now we'll keep pretending. One day I will let him start up the real General Lee.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Looking at my boy I see the wily reflection of myself at times. As he wants to hug, whine, and run everywhere I think of when I had that kind of energy. One evening I see momma crawl over on the rug for something. I attach myself to her back for a ride (I didn't feel like walking to the couch). Anyway Luke runs over after seeing this and pulls me off her back. "You get off momma's back." So I did, but it didn't end there. He looks me in the face and demands, "Now go get in time out." So I did. As I walk by him he swats me on the butt. I had to remain in time out until he came over and told me "You can go now." Lovely...

I've gone too far apparently

As the relationship between father and son continue to grow into the best friend status I have learned that my role as a father extends from the big bad wolf that says when enough is enough, to also the embarassing your dad is crazy goofy. We tease each other as boys will be boys. Yet Luke has found the line that must not be crossed. As I bagger him a little bit he gets the laugher into high gear. Then without a hesitation he stops and grabs my face. Left hand and right hand both on my face so I cannot look elsewhere but to his eyes. He tells me, "You need to stop okay." Wow, shot down by my own boy. Let's see if he really means it... Again I blow on his belly.... He stops and repeats, "Daddy, you need to stop okay." Jeez, we were having a good time. Oh well, I'm sure he wants me to do it again in a couple minutes.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I can't understand you...

As the night continues Luke has certain signs that tells LeeAnn and I he is ready for bed. He will be playing, watching a movie, wrestling Rocky, or whatever; the sound of a little whine fills the air. "He was just fine." Luke will enter the room and with a small baby voice, slurred as if he was drinking rotten milk and say,"ssssstrraaaaaaawwwwwwwbbbeeeeeeeerrrrryyyyyy miiiiiiiiiilk." I know what he is saying, but we try and get him to talk like a big boy, " I can't understand baby talk, what do you want?" "ssssstrraaaaaaawwwwwwwbbbeeeeeeeerrrrryyyyyy miiiiiiiiiilk." Pause... Then he'll ask in a normal voice, "Strawberry milk please?" "Okay."

Monday, April 14, 2008

Let's do this

Potty time is a confusing time in Lukes life right now. He has it pretty simplified right now though. I know what he is thinking, " Why go in this toilet thing when I have to wait for help, take my clothes off, sit and wait, or stand and point, when I can just play toys, run wildly around and pause for four seconds, lay a brick or pee, and keep right on going?" Although I can't argue with that notion, Luke did come to me and tell me he would like to go potty while on the seat. Luke takes a seat. "Daddy I'm going pee. Yeah! Do you want to see my pee? Do you want to see it?" I declined very nicely that I would rather not. Luke just kept asking and then demanding, "Come see my pee daddy. Come on." So I checked it out. WOW he sure drank a lot!!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Finally he wants to eat... but not that

Luke has been going through the stages of "I want this food, I'm not hungry, I'll just eat a little." Well this past week Luke has been waking up saying "I'm hungry. Are you hungry too?" But now when he sits down and takes notice to the food on the table he looks up and says, " I don't want that. or I don't like that." Great, now that he will eat it takes 30 minutes to find what he will eat!!!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Nacho Libre

While playing monster trucks on the floor Luke walks away only to return and grab me by the head, "Anaconda S-q-u-e-e-z-e." Once he let go of my head and the blood returned I started to crack up. he laid it on me again, "Anaconda S-q-u-e-e-z-e."

(If you have seen the movie Nacho Libre then you'll understand what he is doing)

Friday, March 14, 2008

I'll be right back

Whenever I go outside I stand at the door and tell Luke, "I'll be right back okay?" This way Luke won't get upset and think I've gone and left him. I use to just walk out and not say anything, but Luke began to get upset. Today I left the screen door ajar, I mean it is 50 degrees today. While I was in the other room I hear the door open and close. I hurry to see who it is when I notice Luke standing at the door. "I'll be right back okay?" Where are you going? He looks out and back to me, "I'll be right back." Should I just wait here then?

Basketball Hoop Daddy

For the past week Luke has been drawn to finding basketball hoops where ever we are while traveling in the car. " I see a basketball hoop daddy. I see another basketball hoop." On and on again. Once while going through Vandercook Lake I was having a conversation with LeeAnn when Luke screams out, "Daddy, I see a basketball hoop!!" I see it too, good job. No more than 10 seconds later, "Daddy I see another basketball hoop." Nice job son.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Pick up those toys

I'm trying to get Luke into a routine of picking up his toys after he is done playing with them. As we were trying to get out the door yesterday evening I say, "Luke, come pick up your toys." Luke sits on the floor and says, or rather screams "NOOOOO!!!!........ NEVER!!!!!" So a new chapter begins....

But I wonder where the world did he pick up the world NEVER!!!!!!!!!

Is that Mommy?

As my beautiful wife leaves us boys at home we know that after a while we'll receive at the least a phone call before bedtime. Usually Lukas is trying to pick up the phone before me because he knows mommy is calling. The other night I received that call and was looking for Lukas around the corner. I asked him, " Do you want to talk to mommy?" He said, "Yeah, hold on...." He just told me to hold on. I can't believe he told me to hold on. So I'm waiting, waiting, waiting... As he walks through the hallway to receive his phone call.

Name game

We recently started teaching Lukas his full name and can tell you on cue. Then we also have been adding in Daddy's full name and mine as well. Can't quite get those 100% yet, but doing great on his.


Lukas was looking in the cabinet, and I asked him "What do you want to eat in there, Ravioli or Beef-a-roni?"

He turns around and looks at me with eye brows down and says "What are you talking about?" And kept repeating it. I could help myself from laughing, because I never realized that he would pick up that phrase from us.

I just love hearing him pick up these full phrases that we say.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


We are driving in my car and passing by the golf course.

Lukas: I go hit the ball today?
Me: No, not today.
Lukas: okay.

5 seconds later

Lukas: Daddy go hit the ball today?
Me: No, not today.
Lukas: okay.

5 seconds later

Lukas: Mommy go hit the ball today?
Me: No, not today.
Lukas: okay.

Poor kid is seeing some green grass underneath that snow and knows that its almost time for golfing, but just can't golf yet with the cold temps and wet grounds. But at least he didn't put up an argument with me telling him that it wouldn't be today.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Say that to my face

To entertain the young cub I will act the fool to see him smile. The other night I was trying to make him laugh with some funny sounds, dances, and faces. As I finished up my dance routine that I worked so hard on, I decided to add a couple sound effects. Luke stopped laughing and walked over to me. I though he was going to give me another hug of some sort when he put his hands on my cheek and looked me in the eye to tell me, " Stop it. You need to stop it, okay?" Trying not to laugh I simply gave him a "yes sir" and went about my business. Of course I had to see if it was a fluke or not so I tried it again. Again he walked over to me and politely told me to "You need to stop it okay daddy."

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Here you go daddy

Lately Luke has been bringing me some things that belong to me; well just because. I'll be playing my guitar and he'll come in, "here you go daddy." From Mountain Dew bottles, magazines, my tooth brush, shoes, etc. This morning he walks up to me while I was trying to wake up in my chair and he delivers something that never belonged to me... "Here you go daddy." In my hand was a small crusty half-moon shaped object. " What is this Luke?" "It's my booger. It was up my nose." Aaaaaaaaaaaagh!! Couldn't you have just brought daddy another one of his shoes?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I feel pretty good

On Sunday morning Luke ran into the living room to make sure Rocky wasn't getting any more sleep. I on the other hand had to stop off to the little boys room. As I make a human fountain Luke walks in and starts cheering me on. " Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaah, daddy go in the potty. daddy pee in the potty." As he continued to cheer me on I started thinking, I did didn't I? Luke continued, "Good job daddy. Give me five." As I indulged my son's request I felt very proud of myself for going in the potty. As he left me there washing my hands I wanted to call out, "Do I get candy now too!?"

What's with the nose

After arriving in Kalamazoo on Saturday Lukas woke up with a gentle yawn. As mommy and daddy are leaning back to look at him his right index finger finds it's way into the left nostril. Acting agitated Luke comments, "There's something in my nose." I wanted to blurt out that it was his finger but held back. He began to search for that something. "There's something up my nose." keep searching buddy.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

What, What, What, What?

As I gather my jacket to walk out the door I once again call for Luke to come into the living room. He walks in, "Whaaaaaaat?" Don't you say what. I've been calling you for the last five minutes I was thinking in my head. He now walks closer to me with his head tilted slightly, "Whaaaaat? What daddy?" I love you son, now get your coat on.

Bath time- Luke come on, the water is ready. I grab a towel, check the water, and wait. Nothing. Luke, the water is ready. Waiting.... Nothing. I get up and go into the kitchen where I see the look of relief from Rocky. Luke turns his attention away from Rocky and looks at me; "Whaaaat? Whaaat daddy?"

Monday, February 11, 2008

Sorting Coins

Today we had all of Lukas' coins bagged up from his piggy bank for us to deposit at the bank. Well unfortunately the coin machine was broken at the bank, so we had to come back home with all of our change. As he's playing with the coins and putting some back in his piggy bank, Tony is on the floor playing with him and He says to daddy, " The big ones are yours Daddy?" Does this mean all this time, Whenever Tony has change for his son, he gives him all the change except for the quarters?!?! What a rip-off!! LOL!! One day Lukas will know the meaning and value behind the big ones (the quarters) and that will be his first pick. Until then, I guess he'll just have the get the big ones from my wallet.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Do you Mind?

After repeated attempts on the toilet Luke has simply left it empty when sitting. We try and try and try. Usually after we attempt this job he'll complete it when the pants are back up again. "Uh oh." Aside from the waddle that he struts into the bathroom it is just a mess. Well the other day we are in there on his own personal throne waiting, making air noises from below, Luke looks at me and says, "Get me a book daddy." I smile and he grins back. "Go get it." I retrieve his book not knowing if the genre I picked will please him. I mean we could be in there for a while. I enter and he says, "Thank you daddy." After about two pages he looks around demands, "Go get daddy's book." I look around to find a Rolling Stone mag over on the floor. "Get it." I do what I was told and present him with the mag. He sat there picture reading his mag. Needless to say nothing was dropped off at that moment but we're trying. We'll get it........ someday.

You understand my words?

Driving in the car heading towards swim class we hear Luke rambling in the back seat. After a couple sentences or so LeeAnn asks, "What are you saying right now?" "I'm talking to daddy right now. blah ramble, etc... (more words toward me which I can't understand) I talking to daddy momma. Hi..." Okay kid, you keep talking and we'll keep listening.

Sunday, January 27, 2008



Amazing... Luke and I just got home. I go to take my sweatshirt into the bedroom while Luke pays visit to Rocky. We are in transition from my mother in laws house to ours which is about 10-15 minutes. As the potty training continues I know I must take Luke into the bathroom as soon as possible. I walk back into the kitchen to find our dog Rocky licking his lips with what appeared as chocolate. Luke is just standing there watching Rocky laughing. I ask him, did Rocky poop!? Luke replies "yeah" in quiet little whisper. I couldn't believe it. Rocky pooped on the floor and was trying to get rid of the evidence. So I'm letting Rocky know that that wasn't a good idea in the most loving way I could -- sarcastic---. Then I tell Luke to go into the living room while I clean up. When I see him walk by I noticed his nice white shoes were stained with that chocolate. Then another chunk of chocolate by the fridge. I look at Luke and tell him to stop. He turns to me with the face, "yeah daddy?" "Did you poop on the floor?" He replies, "Y-e-a-h." He continues, "I pooped my pants. On the carpet. Rocky ate it. I pooped on the floor and Rocky ate it." My first thought was he just said a huge amount of words in one sentence. All I can say is that I wish he didn't have so much to drink. That was a mess. Oh what a mess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Yeah, I would like to order...

As the family was enjoying a relaxing moment on the floor of our living room the topic of Luke having a couple brothers or sisters sprang up. When asking Luke if he would like a couple new buddies around he only replied, "Momma get more babies. Momma get more babies. Go get them momma." Well I have run out to get many things for the family; food, tools, etc... In all of our late night runs I don't recall seeing babies as an option to buy. We could look on eBay I'm sure. I mean I'd love to go out and bring more babies home, but I think that is frowned upon in today's society. So I guess we'll have to find another way...

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Number 1 or Number 2

This weekend my beautiful wife and I have been trying to potty train Lukas. We have had three solid days of using the toilet. Of course there have been many accidents, but he is making progress. Every ten minutes or so after he has drank something we take him in there. One time, not but 2 minutes after we left the bathroom without going I hear Luke in his bedroom, "Uh oh, I pooped on my leg." What? Well when I got in there I was then told, "I peed in my pants daddy." After the initial shock of the poop comment I was somewhat relieved to see the pee on the leg instead of the poop. Well they always say admitting the problem is the first step. We'll keep working on it.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Give me Five

Lukas and Noah sitting in the back seat of my car, on the way to Noah's Preschool...

Lukas: Give me Five (holds hand up to Noah)
Noah hits Lukas' hand, giving him "five".

Lukas: Yeeeaaahhhh! Goooooood Joooooooobb...
Lukas was really into giving Noah some recognition for completing the task.

Lukas: Give me taters (holding his fist out)
Noah makes a fist and hits it up against Lukas' fist, giving him "taters".

Lukas: Yeeeaaahhhh! Gooooood Jooooooooobb....

Lukas did this about 5 times. :)


As I express my love for my wife through hugs and kisses I didn't notice that look was taking notes. He will walk up to LeeAnn and hug her. We'll be lying in bed and he'll lean over and put his head on her and simply "hhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" melting her heart. For a while I just thought he was over sensitive to physical touch like his old man. But over and over again he would continue to hand out these "hhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm" moments to her. We wondered where he learned this. Then one day on the couch as I was on my knees loving on LeeAnn Luke walks up to me and pushes me away. Then he started to do exactly what I was doing. More and more this would happen. It is very very adorable. We'll see how long this goes on. I guess if I keep doing it, maybe he will too. "Hhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..."

The Sleeper

"Sleeper Daddy? I go to sleep." As I apply a fake sleeper on Luke (don't worry its basically just a hug from behind. As soon as I put my arms around him he starts to lay down) Luke closes his eyes and lays perfectly still on the floor before me. He will even make the fake sleeping noises. I will get up and just mumble about anything when he will open his eyes to reveal that "I'm not done yet" with a simple glance. Over and over again this kid will plead with me to play sleeper with him. Then by the end I want to sleep from exhaustion. *smile*

Friday, January 11, 2008

Playing Ball

Tonight Lukas brought out a ball game that resembled bowling except with stuffed creatures for the pins. I was playing guitar and watching him set each one up. A couple times one would fall over. "Stay there" he would say to it. Then he threw the ball and knocked a couple over. I stopped to have him give me five. Then he says, "Daddy's turn. I set them up for daddy. Throw it at this one daddy." I threw it at the one he appointed to be knocked over. "There you go daddy. Give me five." Then he came over and held his hand out to receive the "five". We played this game for a little while longer and Luke was always very encouraging to my missed throws. Thanks son.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Tow Mater

Luke loves to watch CARS the movie. Recently it has just been about the extra Ghost Light featurette. Luke got all of his cars out of the basket and pulled only the ones from this small clip. He aligned them and I watched him re-enact the scene. He gave a great big "IT"S THE GHOST LIGHT!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!" when Mater delievered his line and drove Mater off. It was great to watch. I got him to do it again so I could get some pics. Enjoy!!

I'll just have ONE

Luke was told once again that he couldn't have some candy and he tried to deal me. " I'll just have ONE daddy. I'll just have one." What are you suppose to do with a comment like that?

Mommy versus Daddy

Here we are 2 year into Lukas' life and the games have begun. Lukas has recently been trying to get many sweets into his body; cookies, m&m's, extra chocolate milk, etc... He has been working up a strategy now the last couple weeks and LeeAnn and I caught on the other night. Luke was in the computer room with LeeAnn when I heard him ask her for "Santa's cookie". (Santa's cookie is in reference to what we called the cookies LeeAnn left out for Santa this year) Well LeeAnn told him that it was too late in the evening for this treat and left it at that. Luke, with his mind turning made the mistake of saying out loud, " I go ask Daddy." As i waited for him to approach me I held my laughter in and just kept doing what I was doing. He says, "Santa's cookie daddy. Please." I then replied to him with a question, " What did mommy say?" Luke was hesitant and looked away for a moment before giving me an answer... " Mommy said no santa's cookie." He didn't get upset but just shook his head no and went away. Luckily I heard his little plan because I find it hard to turn down that little cute face!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

I go poop

Yes my son can tell us when he has gone poop. " I go poop" is something he is regularly saying now. It is time we get him potty trained. After he tells me that he has indeed gone poop, I usually say " ah man." Well after I got home from work today he comes in to the bedroom where I was trying to just relax when he says, " Daddy, I go poop. Ah man!" I was thinking the same thing.
"Ah man."

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I can't believe that my son turned down McDonald's fries today. This is the one guarantee that we have when he won't eat anything else. I got them out and let him smell them. "You want a french fry buddy?" "No." "You don't want a french fry?" "No." "WHAT?" He looks at me annoyed and says, "Nooo thank you." Wow. At least he said no "thank you." 99 out of a 100 times he takes the fry, today is the ONE TIME he didn't.


This blog is for my wife. Lukas is in a phase right now that when you ask him a question and he is for it he will respond with the cutest "yeah" ever known to human. He stretches it out into almost a whisper and it just melts your heart. This is very cute to hear. "It brings tears to my eyes."

Room go bye-bye

My beautiful wife and I are making a few changes around our house. One of those changes was to switch our computer room with Luke's so he could have more space. During the transition things went everywhere. Luke was playing in the living room when he entered his old establishment and said, "room all gone." Later he came into his new room, which was still in transition and looked around before commenting, "A mess, all over the place. A mess." He is very keen on details you see. Now since he knows what a mess is he can start cleaning it up by himself? Well see.

My Buddy

You have to love the way children pick up on the smallest things in life. At times my wife and I are trying to get Luke to come to us by say, "Come here buddy" in the nicest voice possible. Well the tables turned I noticed the other day. Rocky, Luke's best friend the Boston terrier, was keeping his distance from Luke. Luke was trying to entice Rocky to come and play in the room with him. "Rocky, Rocky. Come here buddy (as he pats his pants) Come here Buddy." Once Rocky did come Luke gave him a swipe on the backside in which Rocky took off. Luke went back to work, "Come here buddy. Come here buddy." Swipe!!!