Monday, April 14, 2008

Let's do this

Potty time is a confusing time in Lukes life right now. He has it pretty simplified right now though. I know what he is thinking, " Why go in this toilet thing when I have to wait for help, take my clothes off, sit and wait, or stand and point, when I can just play toys, run wildly around and pause for four seconds, lay a brick or pee, and keep right on going?" Although I can't argue with that notion, Luke did come to me and tell me he would like to go potty while on the seat. Luke takes a seat. "Daddy I'm going pee. Yeah! Do you want to see my pee? Do you want to see it?" I declined very nicely that I would rather not. Luke just kept asking and then demanding, "Come see my pee daddy. Come on." So I checked it out. WOW he sure drank a lot!!!

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