Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I got a Booger

Let start this blog out with a story about the title itself. I'm thinking that this story has happened probably about a month ago and we still aren't quite sure where he's picked this technique from. Anyways, this little boy of ours started the 'oh-so-boyish' thing to do and starting picking his nose. BUT, this isn't the usual one finger up the nostril technique. He chooses the two finger, thumb in the nostril and index finger on the outside technique. Sorry if thats too graphic or too much information for you. As much as we try to stop this habit from starting and try to prevent it from future-embarrassment, it is really quite cute and funny to see a 2-year old use this method. And so precise. LOL!! Again, we aren't quite sure where he's picked this up from, or if its just a thing that 2 year old boys just pick up. I think it has to do with the number of colds that he's had in the recent months and well he just has things that are bugging him up there and feels the need to take care of them. The next part gets me too. Once he actually accomplished his mission and retrieved some gold, he holds his finger out to me and says, "I got a booger". And.... well... of course I couldn't help myself and just crack up at him. And then of course I proceeded to get him a Kleenex to dispose of this gold findings. I give him the rundown that every mother gives, about how to not pick your nose and we blow our nose with a Kleenex. Well do you think he's learned that over the last month?? Of course not. He is probably told once a day the same old words that we've started telling him when this first started.... "No fingers." Simple as that and the finger is usually out of the nose. LOL!!!

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